1. Citrix MetaFrame XP Server for Windows with Feature Release 3
按 [Install or update MetaFrame XP Server]
2. Citrix MetaFrame XP Server for Windows with Feature Release 3
按 [MetaFrame XP Feature Release 3]
3.Welcome to the Citrix MetaFrame XP Server with Feature Release 3 Installation Wizard
按 [Next]
4. License Agreement
選 [I accept the license agreement]
按 [Next]
5. Product Family Selection
在此選擇您所購買的 MetaFrame XP 版本
選擇完畢之後 , 按 [Next]
6. Select Product type
選 [Retail]
按 [Next]
7. Component Selection
按 [Next]
8. Server Address for the ICA Win32 Pass-Through Client
按 [Next]
9. Pass-Through Authentication for the ICA Win 32 Pass-Through Client
選 [YES]
按 [Next]
10. Create or Join a Server Farm
選 [Create a new farm]
按 [Next]
11. Create a Server Farm
Farm name: 在此輸入欲建立的Farm 名稱
11-1. Create a Server Farm
Data Store: 在此選擇 MetaFrame XP Server 所要使用的Data Store
選 [Use a local database on this server]
若沒有 SQL Server , 請選 [Access Database]
設定完畢之後 , 按 [Next]
12. Assign Farm Administrator Credentials
在此輸入 [本機管理者帳號 / 網域管理者帳號]
輸入完畢後 , 按 [Next]
13. Configure shadowing
選 [Allow shadowing of ICA sessions on this server]
按 [Next]
14. Configure Citrix XML Service Port
選 [Share default TCP/IP port with Internet Information Server]
15. Configure Default Web Page for this Server
打勾 [Set server’s default Web page to the Web Interface]
按 [Next]
16. Remote Desktop Users group is Empty
選 [Add the list of users from the Users group now]
按 [Next]
17. Review your selections listed below
按 [Finish]
18. Updating System
出現 Installer Information 警告視窗 如圖下:
19. 按 [ YES]
20. Updating System
21. Citrix MetaFrame XP Server for Windows with Feature Release 3 has been successfully installed
按 [Closed]
22. Installer Information
按 [YES]