
2015年3月23日 星期一

[Matrix] Citrix Receiver 4.2 功能比較表 Feature Matrix (2015/03/24)

[Matrix] Citrix Receiver 4.2 功能比較表 Feature Matrix
建立者: Citris IS 份子 | 建立日期: 2015/03/23 | 更新日期: 2015/03/24

目前Citrix Receiver 已經出到 4.2 的版本囉 ,
偷偷告訴您 , 若使用不同的 Client 端 來執行 Citrix Receiver 4.2 連線到 XenApp 或 XenDesktop Server的時候
若是 使用 ChromeBook OS Client 來連線的話 , 就不支援 Client Drive Mapping 功能
但是 若使用 Windows XP , 7 , 8 Client 來連線的話 , 就有支援 Client Drive Mapping 功能

大家快來看看 Citrix Receiver 4.2的版本裡面 到底有哪些支援功能呢?
若以下圖檔 看不清楚的話 , 大家可以另存新檔 , 再開起圖檔, 會比較好囉....

Citrix Receiver 4.2 Feature Matrix 比較圖:

我怕以上的Citrix Receiver 4.2 功能的專業術語太多 , 因此特地備注 每個功能的用途解說給各位囉:

Feature Definitions
XenApp Applications
Access XenApp hosted applications.
XenDesktop Desktops
Access XenDesktop virtual desktops.
Web/SaaS Applications Access
Allows users to subscribe and access SaaS and other Web applications using App Controller.
ShareFile Follow Me Data
Universal access and sharing of data files.
Follow Me Apps / Subscriptions
Users selected applications follow them across devices. Requires StoreFront.
Offline Apps (Citrix and App V)
Enables users to install and use packaged Windows apps.
File Open In Receiver
Allows opening a local file in Receiver using hosted application (Client to Server Content Redirection).
Desktop Viewer/Toolbar
Enables in session control of session funcitons like sending Ctrl+Alt+Del via a toolbar.
Follow Me Sessions (Workspace Control)
Allows users to move between devices and automatically connect to all of their sessions.
URL Redirection
Allows running of applications locally on client.
Audio Playback
Enables server rendered audio playback.
UDP Audio
Support for audio input and output over UDP .
Bidirectional Audio (VoIP)
Enables use of hosted softphone / voice chat collaboration applications.
Web Cam (Video Chat)
Enables use of video chat collaboration applications using a local webcam.
Video Playback
Enable viewing of recorded videos.
Flash Redirection
Enables Flash content to be rendered using a local Flash Player.
Lync UC Optimization
Offloads Lync media processing from the Citrix server to the user device.
Cisco Jabber Optimization
Offloads Jabber media processing from the Citrix server to the user device.
Windows Multimedia Redirection
Enables Windows Multimedia to be rendered on the user device, offloading the server.
Local Printing
Enables users to print documents via shared or local printers.
H.264-enhanced supercodec
Enables streamlined delivery of applications using XenApp/Desktop 7.X H264-enhanced Supercodec.
Desktop Composition redirection
Enables graphics command remoting to client for rendering to ensure server scalability.
3DPro Graphics
Enables use of 3D professional graphics applications hosted in the data center.
Remote FX
Enables connections to XenDesktop VDAs using Microsoft RemoteFX.
Location Based Services
Enables location information s to be used by applications delivered by XenDesktop.
Client drive mapping
Enables use of client drives inbult or attached for data storage.
Generic USB redirection
Enables use of USB devices inside the session.
CloudBridge Support
Enables CloudBridge acceleration for QoS, TCP, compression and de-duplication.
Local App Access
Access the local application on client device inside the session.
Multi touch
Enables ten finger multi-touch control of Windows desktops and apps.
Mobility Pack
Enables native device experience features (e.g., auto popup keyboard and local device UI controls) and tablet-optimized desktops.
HDX Insight
Provides visibility into the session startup/end times using ICA network performance metrics.
Experience Metrics
Provides Citrix administrators visibility into the logon duration metrics via XenDesktop 7 Director.
External Monitor
Enables use of an external monitor.
True Multi Monitor
XenApp/ XenDesktop creates the same number of monitors as supported by the client.
Session Sharing
Enables published application to be executed over the same connection as other published applications when already running on the same server.
Session Reliability
Keeps sessions active and on the user's screen when network connectivity is interrupted.
Auto Client reconnect
Prompts and reconnects the session on connection inturruption .
Multi-port ICA
Allows support for multiple TCP ports for HDX traffic to improve the quality of service.
Receiver for Web Access
Access to hosted applications or virtual desktops using a browser.
Remote Access via NetScaler Gateway
Provides users with secure access to enterprise applications, virtual desktops, and data anywhere…without a VPN client.
NetScaler Full VPN
Builds full VPN tunnel for NetScaler Gateway.
RSA Soft Token
Enables simplified authentication when using RSA Soft Tokens.
Challenge Response - SMS Auth
Enables use of challenge response authentication for example the use of SMS passcodes.
User Cert Auth via NetScaler Gateway
Enable use of users certificates as one factor for authentication with NetScaler Gateway.
Smart Card (CAC,PIV Etc.)
Enable use of standard PC/SC compatible cryptographic smart card for authentication and signing.
Proximity/Contactless Card (Fast Connect)
Enable users to use Citrix applications or Desktops by authenticating with proximity or contactless smart card.
Pass Thru Authentication
Users already logged on to their domain account do not need to authenticate to access applications.
SAN Cert
Enable use of subject alternative name certificates for channel security.
SHA2 Cert
Ability to use SHA2 Certificates.
Secure Socket Layer v3 strong communications channel security.
TLS 1.1/1.2
Successor to SSL, strong communication channel security.
AES & 3DES Encryption
Strong communication channel security.
Smart Access
Controls access to available applications through the use of NetScaler Gateway policies and filters.
Enables use on IPV6 networks.
Auto Discovery/Configuration
Enable Receivers to be configured via auto discovered settings.
App Store Updates
Updates from vendor application store.
The development, release and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions or incorporated into any contract. The development, release and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion and are subject to change without notice or consultation.

[Issue] Citrix NetScaler VPX Loses Network Connectivity on ESXi 5.1.0 2191751 and 5.5 Build 2143827 版本

技術交流 – 更新 Vmware ESXI 到 5.1.0 2191751 and VMware ESXi 5.5 Build 2143827 版本 , NetScaler VPX will Loses Network Connectivity
建立者: Citris IS 份子 | 建立日期: 2015/03/23 | 更新日期: 2015/03/24


當您把Vmware ESXI 升級到 5.1.0 2191751 and VMware ESXi 5.5 Build 2143827
此版本的時候 , Citrix NetScaler VPX 就會出現不穩定的狀況.
此狀況會不定期的讓Client端無法連線到NetScaler 的入口網站
甚至說連 NetScaler Console 介面 , 也出現不穩定的狀況了.

輕鬆面對 / 問題處理方式:
方法一 處理流程:
  1. 使用第三方軟體: WinSCP
  2. 使用 Nsroot權限 來連線登入到 NetScaler VPX
  3. 切換到 /flash/boot. , 若此路徑裡面 沒有 [loader.conf.local] 檔案的話 , 請手動建立此檔案.
  4. 建立 loader.conf.local
  5. 使用 NotePad , 打開 [loader.conf.local] 此檔案
  6. 在此檔案 加入下列字串
Source By
  1. SSH and log on to Citrix NetScaler VPX appliance as nsroot.
  2. Type shell.
  3. Change directory (cd) to /flash/boot.
  4. Create file /flash/boot/loader.conf.local (if not present) with same permissions as/flash/boot/loader.conf. Add the following line and reboot:
方法二 處理流程:
Install NetScaler VPX appliance on a previously known good VMware version and build.
方法一 詳細處理流程:

  1. 使用 WinSCP Tool , 連線登入到NetScaler Server
2. [….] 回到最上層的資料夾

3. 切到 下列路徑:

4. 若此路徑 沒有此檔案 [loader.conf.local] 的話 , 請手動建立此檔案
建立 loader.conf.local 流程如下:

C Drive建立一個loader.conf.local檔案
建立完畢之後 , 使用WordPad開起此檔案

5. 使用WordPad開起此檔案之後 , 輸入下列字串
輸入完畢之後 , 存檔.

6. 回到 WinSCP Tool , 找到剛剛建立的 [loader.conf.local] 檔案
找到之後 , [上傳]
將此檔案傳到 NetScaler /flash/boot/

7. 成功將剛剛建立的[loader.conf.local]檔案 ,
上傳到 NetScaler /flash/boot/ 路徑
上傳完畢 , 重新啟動 (Restart) NetScaler Server.



NetScaler VPX
Vmware Hypervisor

[SOP] 安裝 Citrix XenApp 6.5 FP1 on Windows 2008 R2

單獨安裝 XenApp 6.5 FP1 on Windows 2008 R2 操作步驟如下:

安裝環境檢核: 安裝XA 6.5 FP1 Server前請備妥下列環境:
  • 解析度: 1024 X 768
  • 安裝 .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable (x64)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable (x64)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable
  • 安裝 Visual J# .Net Version 2.0
  • 安裝 Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005
  • 安裝 Application Server
  • 安裝 IIS Server 7.5 Version
  • 安裝 Terminal Server ( On Application Mode ) / Remote Desktop Role
  • 安裝 Terminal Server Licensing
Data Store Database:
The following databases are supported for the XenApp 6.5 data store:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express R2
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express SP3
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP4
Oracle 11g R2 32-bit Enterprise Edition
Supported operating systems:
Windows Server 2008 R2, 64-bit edition, SP1
Windows Server 2008 R2, 64-bit edition
² XenApp Server 不可以和 Domain Controller [網域伺服器] 安裝在同一台
² 確保您的License服務器的主機名稱,因為該License區分大小寫
[Case Sensitive]
² 必須使用AppCenter 來管理 XenApp Server 6.5
² XenApp 6.5 server 不支援加入舊版XenApp Server Farm
² 必須將Domain UserLocal User 加入 [Remote Desktop Group]
1.Citrix XenApp
按 [Install XenApp Server]
2012-8-28 下午 05-29-43.jpg

2. XenApp
按 [Add server roles]
2012-8-28 下午 05-32-56.jpg

3.Select a XenApp edition
選擇您所購買的 XenApp 版本
2012-8-28 下午 05-35-21.jpg

4.License agreement
打勾 [I accept the terms of this license agreement]
按 [下一步]
2012-8-28 下午 05-35-37.jpg

5.Choose XenApp roles
打勾 [License Server]
打勾 [XenApp]
打勾 [Receiver Storefront]
按 [下一步]

2012-8-28 下午 05-36-14.jpg

6.Choose role subcomponents
打勾 [XML Services IIS Integration]
按 [下一步]
2012-8-28 下午 05-37-18.jpg

7.Review prerequisites
按 [下一步]

2012-8-28 下午 05-37-33.jpg

8.Ready to install
按 [Install]
2012-8-28 下午 05-37-46.jpg

9. Updating server roles
安裝中…… , 請稍後

2012-8-28 下午 05-38-17.jpg

10. Perquisite requires restart
按 [Finish]
2012-8-28 下午 05-41-00.jpg

11. XenApp – Server Configuration Tasks
按 [Reboot] , 之後 作業系統會重新開機…
2012-8-28 下午 05-41-22.jpg

12.重新開機過程中 , 正在設定Windows 功能…
2012-8-28 下午 05-43-46.jpg
13.XenApp – Server Configuration Tasks
作業系統重新開機之後 , 會出現下列視窗
按 [Resume Install]
2012-8-29 上午 09-38-00.jpg

2012-8-29 上午 09-38-21.jpg
15.Ready to install
按 [Install]
2012-8-29 上午 09-40-57.jpg
16.Installing components….
2012-8-29 上午 09-41-13.jpg
17.Successfully updated XenApp server roles
按 [Finish]

2012-8-29 上午 10-05-07.jpg

18.XenApp – Server Configuration Tasks
XenApp Server 安裝完畢 如圖下:
2012-8-29 上午 10-05-20.jpg

[SOP] 安裝 Citrix MetaFrame XPs Server

安裝 Citrix MetaFrame XPs Server

1. Citrix MetaFrame XP Server for Windows with Feature Release 3
[Install or update MetaFrame XP Server]
2012-10-15 下午 03-24-29.jpg

2. Citrix MetaFrame XP Server for Windows with Feature Release 3
[MetaFrame XP Feature Release 3]
2012-10-15 下午 03-24-57.jpg

3.Welcome to the Citrix MetaFrame XP Server with Feature Release 3 Installation Wizard
2012-10-15 下午 03-25-14.jpg

4. License Agreement
[I accept the license agreement]
2012-10-15 下午 03-30-35.jpg

5. Product Family Selection
在此選擇您所購買的 MetaFrame XP 版本
選擇完畢之後 , [Next]
2012-10-15 下午 03-38-14.jpg

6. Select Product type
2012-10-15 下午 03-38-27.jpg
7. Component Selection
2012-10-15 下午 03-38-46.jpg
8. Server Address for the ICA Win32 Pass-Through Client
2012-10-15 下午 03-38-57.jpg
9. Pass-Through Authentication for the ICA Win 32 Pass-Through Client
2012-10-15 下午 03-39-09.jpg
10. Create or Join a Server Farm
[Create a new farm]
2012-10-15 下午 03-39-20.jpg

11. Create a Server Farm
Farm name: 在此輸入欲建立的Farm 名稱
2012-10-15 下午 03-39-38 - 複製.jpg

11-1. Create a Server Farm
Data Store: 在此選擇 MetaFrame XP Server 所要使用的Data Store
[Use a local database on this server]
若沒有 SQL Server , 請選 [Access Database]
設定完畢之後 , [Next]
2012-10-15 下午 03-39-38.jpg

12. Assign Farm Administrator Credentials
在此輸入 [本機管理者帳號 / 網域管理者帳號]
輸入完畢後 , [Next]
2012-10-15 下午 03-39-49.jpg

13. Configure shadowing
[Allow shadowing of ICA sessions on this server]
2012-10-15 下午 03-39-58.jpg
14. Configure Citrix XML Service Port
[Share default TCP/IP port with Internet Information Server]
2012-10-15 下午 03-40-09.jpg

15. Configure Default Web Page for this Server
打勾 [Set server’s default Web page to the Web Interface]
2012-10-15 下午 03-40-18.jpg
16. Remote Desktop Users group is Empty
[Add the list of users from the Users group now]
2012-10-15 下午 03-40-29.jpg
17. Review your selections listed below
2012-10-15 下午 03-41-01.jpg
18. Updating System
出現 Installer Information 警告視窗 如圖下:
2012-10-15 下午 03-41-18.jpg

19. 按 [ YES]
2012-10-15 下午 03-41-30.jpg

20. Updating System
2012-10-15 下午 03-41-44.jpg

21. Citrix MetaFrame XP Server for Windows with Feature Release 3 has been successfully installed
2012-10-15 下午 03-47-40.jpg

22. Installer Information
2012-10-15 下午 03-47-55.jpg